These evidence-based resources describe the practices consistent with our nursing practices within our healthcare organization. The hospital has appointed nurses to educate smokers on the harms of tobacco smoking and ways to overcome addiction. These sources of evidence are authentic and reliable as they were published in recent years and provide accurate information substantiated by results and appropriate references. The unreliability of these sources can be estimated by using CRAAP criteria. It stands for Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and purpose. When the evidence-based source meets all these metrics, it showcases its credibility and authenticity (Muis et al., 2022).

The potential barriers to the application of these evidence-based practices can be as follows:

  • Lack of adequate training on promoting smoking cessation education.
  • Lack of resources to enable smoking cessation practices.
  • Lack of motivation and consistency.
  • Inadequate collaboration due to negative nurses’ attitudes and perceptions regarding smoking and quitting. 
  • Negative social influences include peer pressure to smoke (Li et al., 2021).

Effect of Nursing Board Standards, Organizational/ Governmental Policies  

The American Nursing Association (ANA) has proposed its statement on preventing tobacco use and promoting a tobacco-free community. For nurses, it is imperative to be tobacco-free role models for their patients, workplaces, homes, and overall communities. This will motivate others to stick to healthy habits and quit smoking (American Nurses Association, n.d.). Moreover, they should be trained on culturally competent strategies to prevent tobacco use and claim leadership roles to provide enhanced access to quality care.

They must assess the tobacco users in their nursing practices and address their concerns by implementing the five A’s strategy. They must also contribute to research tobacco control and advocate for prospective continuous funding and research (American Nurses Association, n.d.). These nursing standards can reduce the rates of tobacco use and promote smoking cessation among young boys.

Capella 4900 Assessment 1 Assessing the Problem Leadership Collaboration Communication Change Management and Policy Considerations

The American Lung Association (ALA) has developed specific policies that can reduce smoking rates and improve smoking cessation efforts. The policy on increased tobacco excise taxes helps deter the consumption of tobacco products, including cigarette smoking and can show less purchasing due to high costs. Furthermore, the policy on the sale of tobacco products starts from age 21, which will prevent adolescents from smoking addiction (American Lung Association, n.d.). The ALA has supported funding of evidence-based tobacco prevention programs, including smoking cessation programs, which promote enhanced access to these programs and promote quitting among young groups.

These policies can significantly reduce tobacco use among the community’s young population and also promote the use of smoking cessation programs among active smokers (American Lung Association, n.d.). The ANA and ALA policies positively impact the scope of practice in nursing. Nursing scope of practice is defined as the range of activities and duties a nurse is expected to perform after adequate education, training, and certification (McMichael & Markowitz, 2022). These policies expand the nursing scope of practice as they can educate more tobacco users through enhanced access to smoking cessation programs and reduce the number of smokers in the community.  

Improving Health Outcomes, Patient-Centered Care, and Patient Experience through Leadership Strategies

The leadership strategies that can improve health implications, patient-targeted care, and patient experiences can include transformational leadership. In this leadership style, the leaders motivate others to attain the desired goals by instilling a vision (Chua & Ayoko, 2019). The group of active smokers can be led by this leadership strategy and promote smoking cessation among them by providing support and inspiration in overcoming addiction. Moreover, it promotes self-efficacy and empowerment, improving behaviors toward quitting smoking (Wunderlich, 2020).

Ultimately, it results in improved health outcomes. Similarly, by motivating the affected individuals, healthcare professionals can promote patient-centered care as their preferred care treatment, such as pharmacological or non-pharmacological interventions to overcome smoking addiction (Manning & Mattio, 2022). This leadership also improves the patient experience as the affected people will enable self-care behaviors and receive patient-centered

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